Bob Unruh gushed in a Feb. 26 WorldNetDaily article:
Steve Bannon took the opportunity of a speech over the weekend at the Conservative Political Action Conference to go fiery, charging that the media really know Joe Biden is an illegitimate president.
Bannon, a former media executive and political strategist who was an adviser to President Donald Trump for the first months of his time in office, said Trump is now a “political dissident.”
“And why is he a dissident? You know why, because he gave us three years of peace and prosperity before he was hit with a Chinese bioweapon, and they stole the 2020 election. Media, I want you to suck on this, I want the White House to suck on this. You lost in 2020. Donald Trump is the legitimate president of the United States. Trump won. Trump won. Trump won. Trump won. Trump won. Trump won.”
He said, “You know how we know categorically that Trump won now? Because the New York Times and MSNBC and the Washington Post, understand we’re about to out them, right? We’re going to adjudicate this after victory. If Biden actually won, he would be a revered hero to them. If Kamala Harris had really been the wingman, she’d be a revered hero. The New York Times is throwing Biden under the bus every day, and backing him up over him. That shows you, they know he’s an illegitimate regime head. He’s a usurper in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” he said.
To every working-class Democrat and populist in the Democratic Party. When we get to the White House and go through and adjudicate the fact that 2020 was stolen and this illegitimate regime, what they’ve done to destroy this country. Nobody who loved this country would do what he’s doing to the country. Would they? Think about it for a second. What if our framers came back here, came back today, and saw 10 million illegal alien invaders that they have gamed the system to bring here?”
Unruh did not note that Bannon backed up his claim that Biden is “an illegitimate regime head” with any actual evidence — probably because none exists. Unruh merely continued to burnish Bannon’s supposed credentials and tout more ranting he did:
Bannon has been a Navy officer and a media mogul. He was CEO of Trump’s 2016 campaign which was buffeted by lies made up by Democrat personalities and the Deep State in Washington that there was collusion between the campaign and Russia, claims that have long since been disproven.
He’s fought the establish in Washington for years, coming up with convictions of contempt for refusing to cooperate with Democrats’ agenda attacking Trump.
He spoke over the weekend at CPA [sic], and Real Clear Politics posted his co [sic]mments.
“Onward to victory! Is there anything going to stop us from winning on 5 November of 2024? I can’t hear you. Is anything gonna stop us?”
He said what Democrats under Joe Biden have done to America “is unforgivable and we will not forget it and we will never forgive it until justice is done.”
He praised Trump, the likely GOP nominee.
Unruh concluded by repeating dishonest boilerplate about the 2020 election in an apparent attempt to support Bannon (even though, again, Bannon himself apparently offered no evidence):
Actually, regarding the 2020 election, we now know that Mark Zuckerberg handed out $400 million plus to elections officials who often used that money to recruit Democrat voters. Never before in American elections had such an amount been put into the political fight, and this money was all outside of the normal election funding processes.
Further the FBI interfered when it decided to warn media corporations to suppress accurate and very damaging information contained in Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop about the family’s overseas business dealings, an apparent influence peddling operation and tens of millions of dollars it brought it.
After the election, a polling showed that that suppression of information voters deserved to know likely handed the victory to Biden.
As we’ve noted, Unruh’s claim that Zuckerberg money was used specifically to “recruit Democrat voters” is a lie. We’ve also noted that the New York Post offered no independent verification of its story about Hunter’s laptop at the time of its publication, so there was no reason to believe anything coming from a right-wing pro-Trump rag to be accurate.
Interestingly, Unruh left some things out of his coverage of Bannon’s speech — for instance, his attack on Rupert Murdoch and Fox News for purportedly having “disrespected” Trump by not covering him 24/7, and his declaration that the right-wing MAGA movement “will govern the United States for 50 years” (shades of a certain other declaration about a movement ruling a country).