The Media Research Center’s Heathering of Alyssa Farah Griffin for not being conservative enough continued in a March 11 post by Tim Graham feigning outrage that Farah Griffin was profiled by — gasp! — the New York Times, Graham creepily highlighted the sexual orientation of the reporter and whined every time a non-heterosexual person or a non-right-winger said nice things about her:
Everyone knows the rewards of a conservative Republican transforming into a red-hot Trump hater/Biden voter. They become the CNN Conservatives and the MSNBC conservatives, and they draw puffy profiles from the liberal media, like this beaut on Saturday from The New York Times:
A Former Trump Aide Becomes a Liberal Favorite
After breaking with her onetime boss, Alyssa Farah Griffin finds a warm welcome on “The View” and CNN.
Jacob Bernstein, an openly gay Styles reporter who’s the son of Watergate star Carl Bernstein, lined up the positive quotes from her new allies, like former Obama campaign manager and CNN colleague David Axelrod:
The Times published a photo of Alyssa cheek-smooching with drag-queen personality RuPaul after he touted his memoir on The View the other day, and getting praise from the gays:
…“She’s relatable to our generation,” said Nate Jobe, 33, who is gay, lives in Hell’s Kitchen and works in content marketing for a hospitality company. “We don’t agree on certain policies, but she’s pro-L.G.B.T., she believes in human rights and she’s so articulate and easy to understand.”
Graham also whined that “Alyssa even drew gush from Dr. Fauci” who called her a “straight shooter” who “understood the truth is the truth, whether it’s inconvenient or not.” Graham huffed in response: “The Times would in no way note Dr. Fauci changed his mind on “the truth” several times.” Graham offered no evidence that Anthony Fauci lied about anything or that his changing views on the COVID pandemic were due to anything other than evolving science and research into the virus.
Graham proves once again that he and his employer will attack anyone for deviating even slightly from the right-wing narratives du jour — even someone with solid conservative bona fides like Farah Griffin. No criticism of Trump is permitted at the MRC, and he must always be defended, even if a former staffer like Farah Griffin was in a position to know better.