Today, in more enlightened times, in 2024, the United States of America is playing lawfare of a slightly different bent. The “Democrat Party” is not willing to forget former President Donald Trump’s “heresy” in condemning the election of 2020 as rigged and having the audacity to dare to run again this year.
Call it “MAGA vs. the maggots.” But why maggots?
What are maggots? They are the larvae of flies. They are grubs. Disgusting.
There’s never before been an election year in the United States like this.
In 2016, Trump demolished more than 10 other candidates for the privilege of taking on Hillary Clinton – not Joe Biden, not the heir to the throne of Barack Hussein Obama. But Hillary was overconfident. She called us all “deplorables,” a moniker we embraced. What’s worse – deplorables or maggots? But these Democrats are truly dangerous. Worse than anything we’ve seen since the assassinations of President John Kennedy, his brother, Bobby, Martin Luther King and President Ronald Reagan (attempted). I’ve never seen them so wicked before. The proof? Running this year for president is a former Democrat and the son of Bobby Kennedy also seeking to replace Joe Biden. He’s the only serious presidential candidate denied Secret Service protection. Biden’s keeping his options open.
Are we truly more enlightened than in 1535?
Maybe not so much.
— Joseph Farah, March 25 WorldNetDaily column
Farah’s reference to 1535 involves Sir Thomas More, who was guillotined that year for “refusing to approve King Henry III’s divorce and remarriage and establishment of the Church of England.” There’s no reason not to assume that Farah would endorse that solution for anyone not sufficiently MAGA if Trump regains the presidency, given his dehumanizing opinion of them — making it clear that he, for one, is certainly not as enlightened as the 1535 folks.