The Media Research Center despises the non-right-wing media — and President Biden — so vehemently and irrationally that it flew into a rage over Biden performing the presidential duty of going to France to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Jorge Bonilla kicked off the rage with a June 5 post under a headline that screamed “DESECRATION”:
The solemnity of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which in 1944 marked the beginning of the liberation of Europe from the clutches of Nazi tyranny, was generally observed throughout the Regime Media. Except for ABC, which chose the occasion to promote President Joe Biden’s speech in a manner more befitting a campaign comms shop.
Watch the full report on Biden’s speech, if it can be called that, as aired on ABC World News Tonight on Wednesday, June 5th, 2024:
[…]It is on the hallowed ground of Utah Beach, and with the crosses honoring those who gave their last, full measure of devotion in the background, that Muir tossed over to Mary Bruce for some premium Biden apple-polishing.
Everything that Bruce said after “And while President Biden’s remarks will not be a campaign speech” was essentially the promotion of a campaign speech- not unlike the disrespect that usually follows the utterance of “with all due respect”. Otherwise, why did Bruce have to inject that Biden “…will make clear sharp contrast with Donald Trump”?
ABC’s reportage shows that there is no institution that the left won’t hollow out for its own self-serving purposes. So it is that D-Day is now shamelessly appropriated for the purpose of furthering the electoral prospects of Joe Biden. A vile desecration of the memories of those who fell on that day, and blatant disrespect to those heroes who made it to Normandy potentially one last time. Shame on ABC.
Bonilla didn’t explain why it was a bad thing that Biden would seek to draw a contrast between himself and a man who incited an attempted insurrection, however much Bonilla approves of that act of violence. He also forgot to mention that his irrational hate of Biden is all about being a Republican simp for his own self-serving purpose of drawing a paycheck.
Alex Christy complained about similarly unflattering comparisons to Republicans in a June 6 post:
It was inevitable that with the 80th anniversary commemorations of the D-Day landings in France, MSNBC’s Morning Joe would politicize possibly the last major anniversary with living veterans by attacking Republicans. Sure enough, co-host Mika Brzezinski did precisely that on Thursday, as she demanded, “with respect,” that party leaders “open their hearts to the concept of democracy.”
Brzezinski declared that “You know, Mike Barnicle, it’s hard not to think about how demented our politics are today when we look at these heroes and we ponder this moment of unimaginable magnitude, but this conversation reminded me of something I think is worth saying about some of our Republican leaders right now, and I say it with respect, but our democracy is a privilege. It is fragile, and it is a privilege and Republican leaders following Donald Trump’s autocratic tendencies are validating and reinforcing his violent anti-democratic ways on such a grand scale.”
It got worse from there. Without much respect, she added, “They almost remind me, of sort, of the entitled children of America’s democracy. Entitled because they don’t care what it took to build it. Unappreciative of the sacrifice that it took to get here and emboldened for their own advancement of power.”
[…]Those who claim Republicans do not care about the sacrifice those who died in Normandy made because they do not appreciate democracy simply because they support the Republican candidate for president should not be lecturing other people about the “tone of American politics.”
Christy refused to admit that Trump does, in fact, have autocratic tendencies.
Bonilla returned to whine further that non-right-wing media don’t viciously hate Biden as much as he does, in a post under the shrieking headline “FURTHER DESECRATION“:
Not even a day as solemn as D-Day, wherein we commemorate not just the liberation of Europe but the rescue of Western civilization from Hitler’s evil grasp, is safe from ABC’s relentlessly sycophantic coverage of President Joe Biden. Tonight’s interview was more of the same.
[…]Then there’s the upcoming presidential debate. Muir uses D-Day as a means with which to promote the debate:
[…]This interview, highly questionable by virtue of Biden and staff agreeing to it in the first place, could’ve easily been held back in the United States; The White House, even. To do it on the 80th anniversary of D-Day grossly disrespects those who came ashore on that fateful day, and especially, the memories of those who didn’t make it back. Another desecration of this day.
Only in Bonilla’s right-wing bubble is asking referencing history during an interview considered “DESECRATION.”
Curtis Houck did much of the same thing, though with somewhat less shrieking, in a June 7 post:
On Friday, the flagship morning news shows of ABC, CBS, and NBC were shamelessly ebullient at President Biden’s speech hours later that would use the heroes who fought and died at Pointe du Hoc as part of the D-Day invasion as implicit but a “clear” “contrast” against President Trump, cloaking his daggers as “a forceful defense of democracy” and “echoing the lessons of the past” to speak to “audiences back home”.
Unsurprisingly, ABC’s Good Morning America was on its own planet with its out-of-control quackery. Leading the way? Biden tools in co-host George Stephanopoulos and its chief White House correspondent (aka chief Biden apple polisher), Mary Bruce.
“President Biden’s major address as the world remembers D-Day. President’s warning to the world,” Stephanopoulos boomed in a tease, adding prior to Bruce the official White House spin that Biden’s speech would be about the “timeless principles that have safe guarded American security and democracy.”
Smiling from ear-to-ear, Bruce gushed about how from “here on the edge of these 100 foot cliffs that American forces scaled on D-Day, President Biden today will offer a forceful defense of democracy.”
“And, while he is not expected to call out Donald Trump by name, the contrast will be clear. This morning, 80 years after the invasion that turned the tide of World War II, President Biden arguing the lessons of the past cannot be forgotten as he rallies the next generation to protect democracy,” she giddily proclaimed.
Unfortunately, Bruce had more rhetorical valentines, like this one: “Biden, feeling the weight of history as he toured the Normandy American cemetery.”
Bruce even fretted pesky voters have other priorities that are getting in Biden’s way: “While the President is echoing the lessons of the past to make clear what’s at stake in this election, back home issues like the economy and immigration continue to dominate.”
She closed with another clip for her hypothetical press secretary audition tape: “Now, this is the site of one of President Reagan’s most iconic speeches. And, today, President Biden will try to echo that moment as he argues the dangers of isolationism and it underscores the need to come together and fight again tyranny, making what he thinks is on the line in this election.”
Houck offers absolutely no evidence that Bruce’s report is an “press secretary audition tape,” nor does he back up his unfounded implication that she was “smiling from ear-to-ear” in the service of that.
Sarah Butler huffed that similar comparisons were made on “The View”:
On Thursday, the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the ladies on ABC’s The View took attention away from the memory of the brave men and boys who stormed the beaches of Normandy, France and made it about former President Trump and their fears of him winning in November. There was also the ironic rant by moderator Whoopi Goldberg about young people needing to learn their World War II history.
Co-host Joy Behar contributed to the discussion as she relayed a story regarding a trip she took to Normandy. “I had a guide who was French, and I said to him, ‘we saved France,’ and he said, ‘you saved the world.’” Goldberg, with her vast understanding of history, quickly added “That’s what America used to do!”
Behar explained that what the guide said to her was “the most touching thing anybody has ever said to me about this country.” But her almost patriotic sentence took a turn when she made the moment about Trump: “and for us to be throwing it down the toilet to a convicted felon, to somebody who is liable for rape, who lies and cheats.” But she wasn’t done:
John Kelly, his former chief of staff, said Trump said U.S. service members were suckers and losers for risking their lives. There’s nothing in it for them. He refused to visit the graves in France. He didn’t want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because, quote, it doesn’t look good for me. He criticized Gold Star families.
Trump has denied making any disparaging remarks about U.S. service members.
Butler offered no reason why Trump’s chief of staff can’t be trusted, or that Trump’s denial means anything given his history of lying. Interestingly, this was the only criticism of Trump to which any of these MRC writers offered any response.