Despite the fact that Barack Obama hadn’t been president for eight years and hadn’t been on any election ballot since 2012, WorldNetDaily spent a good part of the the 2024 presidential campaign obsessed with him anyway, which continued as the election wore on. One of Elizabeth Farah’s videos in her fearmongering campaign against Kamala Harris was an Oct. 8 interview with author Lee Harris, who insisted that Obama would run the country if Harris won.
Bob Unruh huffed in an Oct. 21 article taking a shot at Michelle Obama:
Michelle Obama, part and parcel of husband Barack Obama’s agenda to remake America according to the socialistic ideals they hold, often has been considered a radical.
Now that she’s promoting Kamala Harris for president, the extent of that radicalism has become apparent: With her agenda to use drag shows to reach voters.
As a member of the Trump Regime Media, Unruh stuck to his assigned talking points for an Oct. 23 article:
Barack Obama, who once publicly complained to Americans about how they were not like him, blasting them for getting “bitter,” and condemning how “they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them,” now says he cannot understand how Americans can be so divided.
“How we got so toxic and just so divided and so bitter,” he said.
But it is a report at the Daily Wire that enlightens him.
“He’s responsible,” it said.
The report explained that Obama, campaigning for the word salad-generating Kamala Harris, who holds at least partial responsibility for the Biden-Harris record of stunningly high inflation, a porous southern border that is threatening multiple facets of American life, a push for transgenderism and abortion that has alarmed many Americans, and more, was at a rally for her.
A lot of the examples the right-wing Daily Wire cites, though, involve Obama pointing out racism and bigotry, which should not cause divisiveness among normal people.
With Trump’s election win, WND writers declared the death of all things Obama. Josh Hammer declared in a Nov. 7 column:
First, it is evident that the 2008 Barack Obama Democratic Party intersectional coalition has died. It is not that the coalition is wounded or endangered; it is that it is dead. Trump made historic inroads with Hispanic voters, Black voters, young voters and other demographic subgroups that have been vital to the Democrats since 2008. Trump won the nation’s single most Hispanic county – 97% Hispanic Starr County, Texas – by 16%. Queens County, New York, famously one of the most ethnically and racially diverse counties in the country, moved over 20 points toward Trump from his 2020 performance. Overall, Trump won just under half the national Hispanic vote, and he made historic inroads with black men. Voters under the age of 35, such a core Democratic constituency in the not-so-distant past, are now a swing voting bloc.
Obamaism is dead.
Paul Blanchfield tried to revive old Obama conspiracy theories in his Nov. 19 column:
Setting aside whether Obama is really the last name of this mystery man, he nearly single-handedly gifted the 2024 election to traditional America. It was not his intention, of course. His intention was to deliver said election to devotees who would give him his fourth presidential term, extending for many more years his ability to separate America from all traditional values and degrade the country he hates so much, even as he luxuriates in the bounty he has received from it. If anyone on earth “didn’t build that,” it was Barry.
[…]The story of Balaam’s donkey closely parallels the case of Obama, the reluctant patriot. Balak, king of Moab offers money to the prophet Balaam to curse the Israelites. Balaam “loved the wages of unrighteousness” and wanted to issue the curse and collect easy money. But God caused Balaam’s own donkey to verbally rebuke the bad boy prophet and bring him to his senses. The curse never happened. God is able to overrule the best laid plans of mice and bad men.
How else to explain the politically skilled Barry’s sudden ineptitude, sudden political myopia that caused him to fail to realize the utterly empty pantsuit that was Kamala Harris had no chance. What could he have been thinking? He was thinking what God caused him to think, that’s what! “The king’s heart is a watercourse.“
In another biblical account, a coalition of three armies comes against Israel. Yet, before the battle is joined, God confuses their minds. Two of the armies attack and annihilate the third. They then turn on each other and kill each other off.
Obama has been the king and high priest of the political left ever since taking that mantle from Bill Clinton. His craftiness worked when he chose pre-cadaverous poster boy for cognitive decline Joe Biden in 2020. He got the third term he desired, enabling him to phone in instructions to clueless Biden’s handlers while watching ESPN. But this time God decided to give America a reprieve, perhaps its last. He sent a fog into Obama’s mind thicker than the Mary Jane smoke he enjoys inhaling so much, that made choosing the vapid cackler “seem like a good idea at the time.”
David Harsanyi ranted in his Dec. 19 column:
The Obama Doctrine is as dead as Yahya Sinwar. And the world is better off in both cases.
[…]It’s no surprise that on their way out, Barack Obama cronies in the Biden administration approved another $10 billion in sanctions relief for the mullahs by waiving restricted payment transfers from the Iraqi government.
These are the same people who had attempted to lift Hamas and propped up its benefactors in Iran with planeloads of treasure. And the same people did everything possible to handcuff Israel in its war against Hamas and Hezbollah.
Harsanyi offered no evidence to support that claim.