Joseph Farah began his Jan. 3 WorldNetDaily column by describing New York City as both “the most influential city in the world” as well as “the leading purveyor of pornography and also leads the globe in delivering prescription drugs to the world – as well as the COVID-19 vaccines.” So life-saving drugs are on the same level as pornography? Only in Farah’s mind. He then went Biblical with an assist from his favorite conspiracy-mongering messianic Jew:
With full tribute to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn in his book “The Harbinger,” I was moved by the way the U.S. misunderstood a verse in the book of Isaiah, chapter 9 verse 10: “The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.”
It was Israel’s message to the Assyrians’ initial attack before final destruction. It was also America’s response to the 9/11 attack on New York, as the book relates. There was no repentance, only pride in the people’s hearts.
I don’t know if the parallels go any further. I just don’t know. But I am thinking about them. I am praying about them. I am certainly seeking repentance for my country’s forgetfulness and its wrongdoings and its recent treacheries.
Remember, we did rebuild after 9/11. After a day or two of thinking about it, that was our response – leaders echoed the words of Israel’s leaders, not even recognizing what they were saying. We built the One World Trade Center tower.
Then we got several more warnings, which I won’t go into here. But New York is now a hell hole of sorts.
This all led up to Farah melting down over a statue recently placed in front of the United Nations headquarters in, yes, New York:
Just when you think you’ve seen everything, think again.
“A guardian of international peace and security sits on the Visitor’s Plaza outside #UN Headquarters. The guardian is a fusion of jaguar and eagle and donated by the Government of Oaxaca, Mexico,” explains the caption above the image the United Nations tweeted recently.
WHAT? It’s one of the beasts of Babylon. It resembles a lion, too.
The U.N. does not have a sense of humor. This is no joke. Let me remind you what this is.
You know who else doesn’t have a sense of humor (or history or non-American culture)? Joseph Farah. After extensively quoting from the Book of Revelation, he ranted:
Not only is it in New York City, this abomination defies the Living God!
That’s pretty much all the U.N. does in its full-time war on Israel – and everything else decent.
Repent. Get out of sin. Bring yourself in alignment with God. Pray and fast.
That is what we should all be doing now. All the world is lining up against us. The beast is alive and well on planet Earth. Beware, the time is short. You can’t cope in this world without relying on Jesus-Yeshua, our One True Savior and Deliverer and King of Kings!
But as one fact-checker noted, half-lion-half-eagle have long been mainstays of Western culture, and this one is inspired by Latin American culture. Also, the beasts of Revelation and Daniel are considered by Christian scholars not named Joseph Farah to be metaphors for ancient empires. According to CBN, it was a temporary exhibit that was displayed for about two months and removed as planned on Dec. 20 — two weeks before Farah’s column appeared. In other words, not the “mascot” Farah claimed it to be in his headline.
But because Farah doesn’t care about anyone else’s culture but his own narrow one, he felt the need to go all biblical here. That not only led him astray, it demonstrates another reason why WND’s content can’t be trusted (and why it’s going down the tubes).