We’ve documented how the Media Research Center’s narrative that Facebook loves to “censor” conservatives and only conservatives is bogus, given how much Facebook has reached out to conservatives — including Mark Zuckerberg having secret dinners with Brent Bozell — in an attempt to stop the attacks. Indeed, the evidence that Facebook gives conservatives a more-than-fair shake continues to pile up:
- Facebook posts from pages promoting content far-right screamer Alex Jones and his Infowars operation urging a violent response in advance of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot (despite Jones himself being banned from Facebook) got more than a million interactions.
- Facebook has been pushing content from right-winger Ben Shapiro on users who have previously shown no interest in him or related content despite his Daily Wire breaking Facebook rules by using purportedly unrelated pages to promote its content, reportedly out of fear Shapiro will whine about being “shadowbanned” if he faces any restrictions.
- Facebook allows users to push bogus anti-vaxxer content that technically doesn’t violate the site’s rules.
Yet the MRC’s false narrative has continued, pushing every example of a conservative being “censored” (even if they are actually far-right extremists). A few recent examples:
- Ron Paul Says Facebook Is Censoring His Account Without Explanation
- Hercules CENSORED? UPDATE: Actor Kevin Sorbo Says Facebook Deleted Account, ‘Censorship Is Digital Assassination’
- Censorship Confirmed? Facebook Whistleblower Condemns Company Scandals
- Facebook Laid Groundwork for CENSORSHIP Surrounding Chauvin Verdict
- Facebook Executive BRAGS About Increased Censorship of So-Called ‘Hate Speech’
But the MRC is lying to you about conservative “censorship.” How do we know? Because not only does the MRC use Facebook, it brags about how well it’s working. On April 6, the MRC sent out an email tellings its readers about how essential a tool Facebook is (overenthusiastic bold and colored type in original):
We have big news that brings immense insight to conservatives who believe in spreading the messages of freedom.
The news?
Last week, the MRC was second only to NewsMax for interactions on social media.
The insight? This information informs us that we’re having an effect INSIDE the arenas of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, and it will be wise to continue spreading the word on traditional social media—even as conservatives join great new alternatives.
A recent study by CrowdTangle, a social media analytics app that Facebook recently purchased, shows that the Media Research Center (which includes brands such as MRCTV, NewsBusters, and CNSNews) had 2.13 MILLION interactions last week alone!
This is a testament to the devotion, hard work, and principles of those who help gather all this important conservative information and who share it.
The information is spread through you, your family, your friends, your neighbors, co-workers, and clients. Hour after hour, day after day, the signal of freedom propagates across Big Tech, thanks to all who continue to maintain their voices on those sometimes difficult “social media” platforms.
[…]As long as we can have this kind of impact within the lair of the left, we can win new friends, gain allies, and spread information to millions.
It’s fundamental. The MRC wants you to know how much we appreciate your principled efforts to defend freedom and truth. This news about the power of that impact offers us a key tactical reminder that we should not retreat into an echo chamber, but, instead, keep participating in the conversation!Keep spreading the word, even in what we might think are hostile environments. Being present is half the battle. The other half is making sure your voice is heard.
Remember: “The MRC Effect” is clear. Your work, your news—your principles—are being seen.
Keep it up, and keep spreading the word—on ALL the platforms!
The email also includes a link to a video — hosted on Facebook, natch — that tells people howto keep MRC content in their Facebook newsfeed. Still, it laughably insisted, “we know that Facebook and other media platforms are censoring the right.”
Lying to people to push a false narrative is clearly a key part of “the MRC effect.”