In addition to her extensive collection of Trump stenography, reporter Susan Jones has obsessed over calls for President Trump to release his tax returns. That obsession has continued through the month of April.
On April 6, Jones complained that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said that Trump, as president, doesn’t have a right to privacy regarding his tax returns. Jones huffed: Democrats believe they’ll find information damaging or embarrassing to the president in his tax returns. They have sought to delegitimize him, at the very least, since he was elected. Some Democrats have even raised the prospect of impeachment.”
In response to Rep. Richard Neal pointing out that presidents releasing their tax returns is “custom and practice” and “settled tradition,” Jones parenthetically huffed: “For the record, it is also ‘custom and practice’ to confirm qualified candidates for the Supreme Court, but Democrats in the Senate are now bucking that ‘settled tradition.'”Funny, we don’t recall Jones making that point last year when undeniably qualified candidate Merrick Garland was nominated to the Supreme Court.
The next day, Jones did another article about how Sen. Ron Wyden asked IRS commissioner John Koskinen about Trump’s tax returns, grumbling, “Every year around this time, the Senate Finance Committee holds a hearing on the tax filing season. But this is the first time a committee member has asked the IRS commissioner about a president’s tax returns.”
On April 18, Jones tried to play gotcha with a Democratic congressman:
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I) has co-sponsored a bill that would require U.S. presidents and vice presidents to release their tax returns, and now Whitehouse has agreed to do what he’s demanding of others — for the very first time.
The Providence Journal, quoting a spokeswoman for Whitehouse, said the senator and his wife “have in the past kept their personal tax return private to protect the privacy of their children,” who are now 23 and 27.
[…]Many congressional Democrats and other anti-Trump Americans – looking for conflicts of interest or other potentially damaging information — have demanded that President Trump release his tax returns, which he has so far refused to do.
Jones’ boss, CNS managing editor Michael W. Chapman, even got in on the fun in an April 19 article quoting his favorite gay-hating, Muslim-hating right-wing pastor:
Commenting on the liberal media’s demand that President Donald Trump release his tax returns, evangelical leader Franklin Graham said, “No Way!” and added that it would become “a media frenzy, which is exactly what his enemies want.”
“Should President Donald J. Trump release his tax returns?” asked rev. Graham in an April 19 post on Facebook. “A lot of liberals keep demanding it.”
“The President hasn’t asked for my advice, but I would say—No way!” remarked Rev. Graham.
“Even if these were published, the average American — or the average politician, including Senator Chuck Schumer, for that matter — wouldn’t be able to understand them,” said Graham. “President Trump is a billionaire with multiple businesses in multiple states, using our very complicated and corrupt tax code that Congress is responsible for writing—that should be scrapped.”
“It would just be another huge distraction, and a media frenzy, which is exactly what his enemies want,” said Rev. Graham.”We don’t need distractions,” he said. “We need to let President Trump focus on what America elected him to do.”
“We need to get on with the business of solving the problems facing our nation,” he said. “Forget the tax returns! We need a simple tax code that all Americans can understand.”
Did Graham ever say that President Obama need to be protected from “distractions” about his personal life? Nope — Graham pushed birther conspiracies. Of course, Chapman won’t tell you that.