Joseph Farah rants in his Jan. 25 WorldNetDaily column:
Well, now many of these red diaper babies are all grown up, and they’re squealing in horror and outrage because maybe Hillary Clinton’s campaign might have been, possibly, hacked by Russians during the run-up to the 2016 election. They exaggerate the unproven breach by making it sound like Moscow hacked voting booths all over the U.S. to turn Hillary votes into Trump votes.
It’s maniacal conspiracy theorizing with no evidence to back it up.
Meanwhile, ask any one of these Russia-bashers if voter fraud had any impact on the 2016 election and they will all say, “Absolutely not! Never happened. It’s a myth. There’s no evidence of voter fraud in the U.S.”
Why? Because voter fraud is actually part of their campaign strategy. They encourage it. They incubate it. They subsidize it. They recruit it. In fact, from their perspective, it’s not even fraud. It’s the right of every non-citizen to vote in America. After all, we’re all citizens of the world. And if those votes overwhelmingly support their candidates and causes, then it must be something God smiles upon.
While there is absolutely no credible, independent evidence to suggest Russia had any impact on the 2016 election, there is overwhelming, conclusive, proof-positive evidence of widespread voting by people who are ineligible to vote. And, thank God, President Trump is ordering an investigation of it.
And, at the end of the day, what’s this Russia-phobia and voter-fraud blindness all about?
It’s about the fact that the so-called progressives cannot accept the outcome of the presidential election. They can’t understand what happened.
You know what’s funny? If you replace Farah’s references to Russia with references to Barack Obama’s birth certificate, he’d be talking about himself for the last eight years — after all, that remains “maniacal conspiracy theorizing” with “absolutely no credible, independent evidence” to support it.
Farah’s huffing that “so-called progressives cannot accept the outcome of the presidential election” is particularly precious because, again, he’s talking about himself. He never accepted the outcome of the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections; remember, he wrote in a 2014 column: “Obama has never been my president. I have steadfastly refused to acknowledge him as such. He is undeserving of the honorific. To this day, I am unconvinced he is even eligible for office.”
In rejecting conspiracy theories and the idea of pretending the president isn’t really the president, Farah is not only rejecting the tactics he spent the past eight years promoting, he’s ascribing them to his political enemies. That shows what an utterly craven hypocrite Farah is.
Finally, Farah doesn’t cite any of that “overwhelming, conclusive, proof-positive evidence of widespread voting by people who are ineligible to vote” he claims exists. Perhaps because WND can’t cite any.