As we’ve seen, can marshal its reporting resources when moved to by its right-wing agenda. CNS did so again regarding FBI director James Comey’s testimony before a Republican-dominated congressional committee on Thursday. Here are the original articles CNS got out of that hearing:
- Chaffetz Tells FBI Director He’ll Get a Referral to Investigate Clinton’s ‘Statements Under Oath’ Within Hours
- Chaffetz: ‘Did Hillary Clinton Do Anything Wrong?’ Comey: ‘What Do You Mean by Wrong?’
- Comey: ‘Nobody’ Uses 1917 Law Making Gross Negligence in Handling Classified Material a Crime
- FBI Director: Not True That Hillary Clinton Never Sent or Received Classified Info over Her Private Email
- Senate Judiciary Chair: ‘FBI Tried to Gag Its Agents With Non-Disclosure Agreement’ on Clinton Probe
- Comey: DOJ ‘Worried’ Law Criminalizing Gross Negligence in Handling Classified Material Is ‘Invalid’ and Unconstitutional
- Clinton’s Sworn Testimony Before Congress Contradicts FBI Director’s Testimony
All of these seven articles are based on either Comey testimony or questions asked by Republican committee members. No article even mentions there are Democratic members of Congress at the hearing, let alone quote any of the questions they asked. CNS also failed to mention how Comey debunked several right-wing talking points about Clinton’s emails.
That would appear to be another violation of its mission statement that it’s “a news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin.”
Meanwhile, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, is still nowhere to be found on CNS’ front page. The most recent original CNS article on Trump appeared more than a week ago, on June 29. CNS cannot plausibly claim Trump has done nothing newsworthy since then.
To tally it up: Including CNS’ earlier selectively wall-to-wall coverage of Comey’s press conference on July 5, that’s at least 15 CNS articles related to Clinton’s emails, but zero CNS articles on anything Trump has done in the past nine days.
Is CNS a “news” organization, or is it a Clinton attack operation? Looks like it’s the latter.