WorldNetDaily’s promotion for its sparsely read Whistleblower magazine has the theme of “Mass Hysteria,” and it’s promoted thusly: Americans are living through an era of mass hysteria, in which Democrat politicians, entertainment…
MRC’s Maxson Doesn’t Know What A Buyout Means
As part of his ESPN derangement, mysterious Media Research Center sports blogger Jay Maxson has long despised ESPN commentator Jemele Hill for tweeting that President Trump is a “white supremacist.” For example,…
CNS Joins MRC’s Bid To Make Jordan House Speaker
We’ve highlighted how is heavily promoting the idea of conservative Republican Jim Jordan as House speaker (or minority leader should the Democrats retake control of the House). Now it’s clear that…
Newsmax Doesn’t Disclose It Published Corsi’s Book
When right-wing conspiracy theorist and former WorldNetDaily writer Jerome Corsi got subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury looking into Russian election interference, Newsmax was quick to exploit it: Jerome Corsi, author…
WND Just Can’t Quit Fake News
WorldNetDaily loves publishing fake news, and its current financial problems haven’t stopped it from doing so. An Aug. 28 WND article by Art Moore is a rewrite of an anonymously sourced Daily…
CNS Unemployment Coverage Distortion Watch
In reporting on the August employment numbers, goes beyond pro-Trump rah-rah mode in promoting the figures that make President Trump look good to openly admitting that it’s promoting President Trump and…
WND Columnist Tries To Make Case for Confederate Statues As ‘Art’
Marisa Martin — the nom de wingnut of artist April Kiessling — spent her Aug. 29 WorldNetDaily column trying to defend to defend the idea of Confederate statues as art, likening activists…
MRC Again Claims That Conservatives Are Accurately Labeled In Battle Between Catholic Factions
The Media Research Center has long had a bee in its bonnet regarding stories about conservatives in which the conservatives are accurately labeled as “conservatives.” Matthew Balan — a former MRC “news…
Will WND Columnist Ask The Publisher Of His Column To ‘Own Up To Fake News’?
Michael Brown’s Aug. 29 WorldNetDailiy column is basically a rant against the “mainstream media” for being too critical of President Trump, insisting that “It’s not just an undisciplined president getting unruly crowds…
CNS Manages To Make McCain’s Death All About Hillary (And Vodka)
We can assume that didn’t like John McCain any more than its Media Research Center parent did. We can probably assume that’s why CNS felt the need to make McCain’s death…