The Media Research Center loves to Heather conservatives who stray from right-wing orthodoxy. It’s also not afraid to give the Heathering treatment to its buddies at Fox News. The MRC’s Brad Wilmouth…
NEW ARTICLE: Jack Cashill’s Gallery of Rogues
The WorldNetDaily columnist finds more dubious people to defend: a felon and conman, a terrorist, an alleged blackmailing governor — and George Zimmerman (again). Read more >>
CNS Reporters In Sync On Pushing Pro-Trump Talking Points is never so slavishly pro-Trump as when it’s clearly following orders from on high — Terry Jeffrey? Brent Bozell? Sarah Huckabee Sanders? — to push the Trump White House talking point…
Klayman Goes Back Yet Again To The Clinton Conspiracy Well
Last year, Larry Klayman thanked WorldNetDaily for letting him indulge his many, many conspiracy theories on its website over the years, particularly those involving the Clintons. (He didn’t call them that, of…
MRC Latino Piece Tries Pushes Bogus Attack on Calif. Bill to Ban Conversion Therapy
We’ve already noted how WorldNetDaily is distorting the facts around AB 2943, the proposed California bill that would ban effectively ban anti-gay conversion therapy in the state. Now, the Media Research Center…
WND Columnist Portrays Ex-Gays As A ‘Rejected Minority’
You may remember WorldNetDaily columnist Michael Brown is an anti-gay, anti-transgender activist who pretends to have compassion for them while simultaneously mocking them. Well, he’s at it again in his May 7…
CNS Managing Editor’s Michael Moore Derangement Syndrome
A May 7 blog post by managing editor Michael W. Chapman is a massive tirade against filmmaker Michael Moore for marking the 200th birthday of Karl Marx. Chapman starts out this…
Massie’s Whataboutism Turns Into Historical Revisionism
Mychal Massie’s May 14 WorldNetDaily column is one long tirade of whataboutism — and revisionist history — an attempt to deflect from President Trump’s history of lies and deceit by highlighting “what…
MRC’s Double Standard on TV Hosts’ Alleged Conflicts of Interest
The Media Research Center likes to take potshots at NBC “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd’s wife works as a Democratic communications strategist and once donated to Tim Kaine, at the time…
Newsmax Columnist Gushes All Over Melania Trump
If Doug Wead was ever an objective reporter on the presidency, he stopped being so some time ago, what with his pro-Trump insta-book after the 2016 election and his bizarre conspiracy theory…