The Media Research Center keeps freaking out about LGBT stuff, so we have no choice but to document those freakouts. Gabriel Hays complains that Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos is using his…
NewsBusters Blogger Whines That MSNBC Won’t Promote Fox News
Randy Hall whines in a May 9 NewsBusters post: While observing World Press Freedom Day on May 3, MSNBC aired an advertisement encouraging viewers to watch not just that liberal channel, but…
WND Promotes Dinesh D’Souza’s Fake News
An anonymous WorldNetDaily writer does a fine job of stenography in a May 7 article: Conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza is calling revelations that comedian Rosie O’Donnell made repeated, “oversized” donations to Democrats…
CNS Doesn’t Mention Oliver North’s Iran-Contra Scandal
If you were a news outlet writing a story on someone, wouldn’t you mention the thing for which that person is most famous? If you were a real news outlet, yes. But…
WND’s Fake Democrat Laments the Decline of ‘Real Men’
We’ve identified WorldNetDaily columnist Bob Just as a “WND Democrat” who claims to be a member of the Democratic Party yet does nothing but bash the party he supposedly belongs to. He…
The Worst Hot Take Ever on Michelle Wolf, Courtesy of the MRC
Needless to say, the Media Research Center was incensed by Michelle Wolf’s comedy routine at the White House Press Association Dinner, cranking out post after outraged post about it. But it was…
Farah Marks WND’s Anniversary With More ‘Digital Cartel’ Conspiracy-Mongering
Joseph Farah marked the 21st anniversary of WorldNetDaily with a downbeat column that engaged in his usual conspiracy-mongering: Last Friday marked the 21st anniversary of WND – the original, pioneering, independent online…
Newsmax Gives Bolling The Image Rehab Treatment
We’ve noted how Newsmax took a step toward trying to rehabilitate Eric Bolling with a fluffy profile that focused on his son’s tragic death via drug overdose and omitted the inconvenient fact…
Bash-Public-Schools Week at CNS had a spasm of public school-bashing at the start of the month. A chart-filled May 1 article by editor in chief Terry Jeffrey played up a claim that “Sixty-five percent of…
NEW ARTICLE — Out There, Exhibit 70: Denial of Reality Attack, Trump Propaganda Division
The Media Research Center’s Brad Wilmouth doggedly defends President Trump over a muddled message regarding whether he supported the death penalty for the later-exonerated Central Park Five. Read more >>