The idea of Oprah Winfrey running for president rose and failed like a cheap Fourth of July rocket. The hysterical Hollywood elites, along with the mainstream press, have been eager to find…
CNS Somehow Avoids Actually Saying Russians Interfered In Election On Trump’s Behalf
After last week’s indictment of 13 Russians for interfering in the 2016 presidential election, mostly for the benefit of Donald Trump and against Hillary Clinton, CNS published three articles about it —…
Farah’s Thin-Skinned Response To Report on WND’s Imminent Demise
Last week, Salon published an article about the apparently impending demise of WorldNetDaily, in which we are quoted pointing out that one major factor in WND’s current financial situation is that its…
MRC Writer Falsely — And Repeatedly — Implies Federal Money To Planned Parenthood Pays for Abortion
The Media Research Center’s Katie Yoder loves to spread myths about Planned Parenthood — for instance, we caught her last year pushing the canard that federal money to Planned Parenthood does pay…
WND Censors Full Story About Mark Warner Texts
An anonymous WorldNetDaily writer really tries to sell a purported Democratic scandal in a Feb. 8 article: The Democrats long have claimed that it was the Trump campaign that was colluding with…
MRC Promotes Bogus Study on Immigrant Crime
When dubious pro-gun researcher John Lott issued a study claiming that undocumented immigrants commit more crime than U.S. citizens — a finding described as an outlier, since most other studies on the…
WND, MRC Don’t Understand Artistic Reinterpretations
Where is pseudonymous WorldNetDaily arts writer “Marisa Martin” when you need her? In an anonymously written Feb. 12 article, WND ignorantly dumps on the artist who painted the official portraits of Barack…
Charlie Daniels Pushes Conspiracy Theory That Trump-Russia Probe Is Democrat-Invented ‘Farce’
We’ve noted singer Charlie Daniels’ descent into right-wing conspiracy theories. Well, he ventures into that territory again in his Feb. 8 column. Daniels begins by praising those who voted Donald Trump…
WND Turns Trump Campaign Promo Into A ‘News’ Story
Here’s how desperate — and slobberingly pro-Trump — WorldNetDaily is: It’s turning Trump campaign emails into “news” articles. On Feb. 8, the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, “a joint fundraising committee…
MRC Still Trying to Push Gay Conversion Therapy
The Media Research Center has a thing about insisting that gay conversion therapy works, despite the lack of any scientific evidence to back it up. The latest to try it is Robert…