Last August, Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell turned his MRC, ostensibly a nonprofit operation, into a vehicle for his personal grievances by attacking Sen. Jeff Flake over the title his book…
WND Still Selling Paul Nehlen’s Book, Still Silent On His Anti-Semitism
As we’ve documented, WorldNetDaily has not been an enthusiastic promoter of Paul Nehlen’s political campaign for Paul Ryan’s congressional seat, but it also published his book “Wage the Battle.” But that promotion…
Sick: MRC Mocks CNN For Reacting To Death Threats Against It
How sick, cynical and hate-filled is the Media Research Center? Its first reaction to the arrest of a man who issued death threats against employees at CNN was to mock CNN for…
WND Serves Up Another Suck-Up Profile Of A Trump Staffer
As an unabashed, highly biased pro-Trump operation, WorldNetDaily is prone to the occasional sycophantic profile of Trump operatives; i,e, its embarrassingly fawning article last year about then-White House press secretary Sean Spicer….
MRC Promotes Accused Sexual Harasser’s Stock Picks To Its Readers
We’ve detailed how the Media Research Center has studiously overlooked allegations of sexual harassment against Fox Business host Charles Payne, as well as a subsequent lawsuit from a woman, onetime Fox News commentator Scottie Nell Hughes,…
WND Cheers How Trump Insults His Critics, With Help From Lying Filmmaker
WorldNetDaily loves everything about Donald Trump — even (or maybe especially) how he insults and belittles people. Which brings us to a Jan. 14 article touting a new documentary called “Trump: The…
CNS Again Privileges Alveda King With Bogus ‘Dr.’ Title has a bad habit of privileging anti-abortion activist Alveda King with the “Dr.” title even though her doctorate is honorary, not earned, and thus has no business being used in someone’s…
NEW ARTICLE: WND’s Fake-News Failure
WorldNetDaily is facing another “existential threat” and begging for money again. Maybe if it didn’t regularly publish fake news, WND wouldn’t be in this predicament. Read more >>
CNS Uncritically Touts Misleading Trump Admin Stats on ‘Foreign-Born’ Terrorists
Craig Bannister, a good Trump stenographer like the rest of his colleagues, writes in a Jan. 16 blog post: Three of four (73%) convicted international terrorists were foreign-born, a new Department…
Fake News: WND’s ‘New Scandal’ Is A Very Old Non-Scandal
An anonymous WorldNetDaily writer really tries to ramp up the meaning in a Jan. 17 article headlined “New scandal in Obama’s war against Netanyahu”: Democrats in Washington have expressed outrage over still-unproved allegations…