Having falsely linked Dallas police shooting perpetrator Micah Johnson to Black Lives Matter, WorldNetDaily continued on its fact-free way and tried to blame President Obama for the massacre as well. Right-wing ambulance-chasing…
NewsBusters Blogger Has Selective Memory on Klan, Double Standard on Rhetoric Leading to Shootings
Tom Blumer devotes a July 4 NewsBusters post whining that the Associated Press did an article on the 150th anniversary of the Ku Klux Klan. What he’s really mad about, though, is…
CNS Unemployment Numbers Distortion Watch
Susan Jones throws out a bunch of numbers to start her July 8 article on the latest unemployment numbers: The civilian labor force expanded in June, adding 414,000 people, the Bureau of…
No, WND Is Not Nazi, But …
So apparently there’s a Google Chrome app called Nazi Detector that claims to single out right-wing pro-white extremists by putting swastikas next to their names in that browser — a response to…
Is The MRC Bitter That Hillary Wasn’t Jailed For Email Issues? Oh, A Tad
The headline of Media Research Center writer Kristine Marsh’s July 5 post reads “‘Obviously’ Clinton Wouldn’t Be Charged; Right is Just ‘Bitter,’ Claim Journalists on Twitter.” But instead of arguing that right-wingers…
Last Week’s Trump Coverage At CNS: Again, Mostly Stenography
NOTE: Our CNS Trump coverage tally for the final week of June somehow did not get posted, so we’re doing that now. The big Donald Trump campaign news last week was his…
CNS Obsesses Over Hillary Emails, Ignores Trump
Apparently, CNSnews.com’s blanket coverage of Hillary Clinton’s emails — at least 15 original articles over four days, as we’ve counted — made CNS reporters too exhausted to put fingers to keyboard to…
AIM’s Kincaid Thinks Transgender Soldiers Are Like Corporal Klinger
Accuracy in Media’s chief gay-hater, Cliff Kincaid, is at it again. In a June 28 column titled “Corporal Klinger Reporting for Duty,” he rants: As if to add insult to injury, the…
WND Already Trying to Falsely Race-Bait Over Dallas Shooting
Never let a crisis go to waste, they say, and WorldNetDaily is trying to do exactly that over the sniper shootings of police officers in Dallas. The cover of this week’s WND…
More CNS Bias: 7 Articles on Comey Testimony, Zero on Trump In Past Week
As we’ve seen, CNSNews.com can marshal its reporting resources when moved to by its right-wing agenda. CNS did so again regarding FBI director James Comey’s testimony before a Republican-dominated congressional committee on…