Joseph Farah just can’t stop lying about President Obama. In his Nov. 28 WorldNetDaily column, Farah pretends he’s not denigrating Obama’s faith — “I’m not saying he is not a believer. I’m…
MRC’s Graham, WND Push Bogus Obama-Gettysburg Address Non-Controversy
Media Research Center director of media analysis Tim Graham dutifully regurgitates right-wing propaganda in a Nov. 19 NewsBusters post: Chris Plante at WMAL Radio in Washington reported on his show Tuesday that…
Larry Klayman Threatens To Sue Us For Telling the Truth
We couldn’t resist going to Larry Klayman’s coup kickoff in Washington’s Lafayette Square earlier today. Approximately 100 people showed up — including speakers Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily, Roger Aronoff of Accuracy in…
Kathleen Willey Wants You To Buy Her A House (And WND Wants To Help)
Kathleen Willey is not done trying to cash in on her infamy on the fringes of the Clinton administration — and WorldNetDaily is eager to help her cash in. WND — which…
AIM Joins Larry Klayman’s Anti-Obama Rally
Accuracy in Media announced in a Nov. 14 blog post: Accuracy in Media has joined the “Reclaim America Now Coalition,” put together by Freedom Watch. AIM Editor Roger Aronoff will be speaking…
MRC Bashes Mormon-Owned Paper For Not Being Conservative Enough
The Media Research Center recently did another one of its shoddy analyses of media, this time going local — attacking two Utah newspapers, the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News, for…
Noel Sheppard Can’t Separate Actor From His Role
Noel Sheppard, it seems, is unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality. How else to explain his insistence on referring to an actor using the role he played 40 years ago? A…
MRC’s Bozell Goes Mind-Reading to Bash NBC, Doesn’t Understand What ‘Censor’ Means
The Media Research Center issued this press release on Oct. 29: In a bombshell report for NBC, NBC News senior investigative correspondent Lisa Myers found buried in the 2010 Obamacare regulations…
Which Part Of His Radical Left-Wing Past Is Joseph Farah Lying About?
Joseph Farah is quite a shameless and aggressive liar, so it’s not a surprise that he would embellish his own past. He writes in his Oct. 23 WorldNetDaily column: I officially became…
NewsBusters Still Freaking Out About Redskins Criticism, Ignoring That Prominent Conservative Agrees
The Media Research Center continues to rage against critics of the Washington Redskins name. Randy Hall ranted in an Oct. 21 NewsBusters post: Just when you think you’ve seen it all, along…