The Media Research Center got all huffy over the past few weeks as more people argued that the Washington Redskins is a name that is somewhere between insensitive and racist and should…
WND’s Kupelian Goes Transgender-Bashing
David Kupelian’s Oct. 13 WorldNetDaily column is a lengthy anti-transgender screed. He’s quite unhappy that the new DSM-V treats transgenderism as a “dysphoria” and not a “disorder,” he demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding…
WND’s Farah Pretends To Care About Miriam Carey
Joseph Farah continues to concern-troll over a shooting outside the Capitol min his Oct. 10 WorldNetDaily column: A young, unarmed black mother with a baby in the car was shot down more…
WND’s Farah Conspiracy-Mongers About Shooting Outside Capitol
Joseph Farah writes in his Oct. 6 WorldNetDaily column: I wonder if Holder will zealously pursue charges against the Capitol police for riddling with gunfire the car and body of a young…
WND’s Klayman: Woman Killed Outside Capitol By ‘Obama’s Henchmen’
Yes, Larry Klayman really did write this in his Oct. 4 WorldNetDaily column: An African-American woman with her 1-year-old child crashes her car into the White House gate, is pursued by President…
WND Gives Anti-Muslim Film’s Director A Pass On His Deception
Upon the release from prison of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula — the film director whose trailer for his anti-Muslim film sparked protests in the Middle East and was originally thought to have played…
MRC: ‘Modern Family’ Is ‘Dangerous’ Because It Makes You Sympathize With Gay People
The Media Research Center’s Evan Mantel is very unhappy that the TV show “Modern Family” is making him think of homosexuals as real human people: This was a classic Modern Family. And…
No, Terry Jeffrey, Obamacare Does Not Pay For ‘Abortion-Inducing Drugs’
Terry Jeffrey rants in his Sept. 26 column: Under Obamacare, the administration will force Catholics and other Christians to buy and/or provide coverage for services — including sterilizations, artificial contraceptives and…
NewsBusters’ Noel Sheppard Embraces Matthew Shepard Revisionism
Noel Sheppard, that scamp, is at it again. On top of his using an anti-Semitic image in a NewsBusters post (again), writing another post that required a correction, going on a massive…
WND’s Farah Returns to Matthew Shepard Revisionism
We said we’d get back to Joseph Farah’s Sept. 18 WorldNetDaily column, and so here we are. The main thrust of Farah’s column is to engage in Matthew Shepard trutherism: A new…