An unbylined Aug. 1 WorldNetDaily article repeats the usual birther claptrap without telling readers that much of it has been discredited. This time, though, more has been added to the mix: Most…
AIM’s ‘Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi’ Is A Kangaroo Court
A July 29 Accuracy in Media post by Roger Aronoff announced AIM’s formation of a “Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi.” This group, Aronoff claimed, “will focus on resolving some of the many questions…
PolitiFact Busts CNS on Food Stamp Claim
In a July 8 article, Elizabeth Harrington reported that “The number of Americans receiving subsidized food assistance from the federal government has risen to 101 million, representing roughly a third of…
MRC Complains Historic Gay-Marriage Decisions Are Described As Historic
Apparently, in the eyes of the Media Research Center, it’s “liberal media bias” to portray a historic event involving gays as historic. In April, for instance, the MRC’s Matt Hadro complained that CNN portrayed…
NewsBusters Doesn’t Think Fox News Is Biased
In a June 22 NewsBusters post, Tom Blumer takes offense at the idea, forwarded by Salon’s Alex Seitz-Wald in the wake of the channel hiring Howard Kurtz as a media critic, that…
WND Laughably Claims SPLC Is ‘Linked to Domestic Terrorism’
Bob Unruh writes in a May 14 WorldNetDaily article: An organization that for 30 years has promoted religious liberty, championed the nation’s foundational Judeo-Christian values, worked to protect marriage and defended human…
CNS Now Censoring Immigration Study Co-Author’s Statements on Race, IQ
Earlier this week, we detailed how is censoring the fact that the Heritage Foundation study on immigration it promoted is so flawed as to make it worthless, despite promoting the study…
CNS Promotes Highly Misleading Heritage Immigration Study was so enthusiastic about a new Heritage Foundation study on immigration, it posted two items on it before the study was even released: But the report has massive flaws that even…
MRC Upset CNN Described Historic Event As Historic
Matt Hadro devotes an April 29 NewsBusters post to complaining that “After NBA player Jason Collins came out as gay on Monday, CNN hyped the announcement as a ‘bombshell,’ a ‘big deal,’ and one…
MRC Cranks Up Factually Dubious Obsession With Soros Money
Presumably in an effort to justify its campaign to raise money by fearmongering about George Soros, the Media Research Center has been busy in recent days cranking out articles about the evil things…