An April 18 WorldNetDaily article by Aaron Klein keeps up his red-baiting attacks on the Obama administration, taking a quote by Anita Dunn out of context to claim that she said Mao Zedong was among her …
How WND Got That 500,000th Signature On Its Petition
We noted the other day how WorldNetDaily’s proclaimed achievement of obtaining 500,000 signatures on its anti-Obama birther petition wasn’t much of an achievement given its refusal to disclose the signers or subject…
WND Plays Victim, Tries to Intimidate WHCA
WorldNetDaily’s pattern of playing the victim and trying to intimidate anyone who Joseph Farah believes has slighted his website is playing out again with WND’s lawsuit against the White House Correspondents’ Association…
Aaron Klein Responds — And Admits His Kahanist Sympathies
Aaron Klein used his April 11 WABC radio show to respond to our article (as published at Huffington Post) detailing his affinity for right-wing extremism. Sadly, Klein selectively quotes from the article…
Bozell Twists Words to Defend Pope
Brent Bozell uses an April 12 Media Research Center press release to run to the defense of Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic Church, even though defense of Catholics is not exactly…
WND Petition Milestone Remains Murky
An April 10 WorldNetDaily article makes a big deal over WND’s petition “demanding proof” Barack Obama is eligible to be president receiving more than 500,000 signatures. But WND’s dishonesty on the issue…
WND Ignores Gary Kreep’s PAC Scam
WorldNetDaily loves Gary Kreep — after all, he’s a birther lawyer who hates President Obama. Which is exacly why you will not see WND report on the fund-raising scam that is Kreep’s…
We’re Inciting Civil Unrest!
The Capital Research Center’s Matthew Vadum takes to NewsReal to drop this bit of BREAKING NEWS: Of course, the left, and in particular the George Soros-led character assassins at Media Matters for…
CMI’s Knoploh Tries to Read the Minds of More Reporters
Is Sarah Knoploh clairvoyant? Apparently so — she has decided that she can read another reporter’s mind. In a March 4 MRC Culture & Media Institute item on the legalization of gay…
CMI Writer Pretends She Can Read Reporters’ Minds
In a March 2 MRC Culture & Media Institute item, Sarah Knoploh imparts emotions to a reporter she can’t possibly know. Knoploh asserts that a USA Today reporter “lamented” a business slump…