Bill Donohue of the Catholic League began his July 23 column by declaring, “Any honest observer of the priestly sexual abuse scandal knows that the lion’s share of the molestation was…
Tag: Bill Donohue
Irony: Anti-Gay Columnist Demands That Gays Respect Christians
Bill Donohue huffs in a May 17 column: Gay rights activists have been on a collision course with traditional Catholics, evangelical Protestants, Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and Mormons for some time. All…
NEW ARTICLE: The MRC’s Favorite (Dishonest) Catholic
The Media Research Center — and in particular its “news” division, — gives Bill Donohue of the right-wing Catholic League a free pass to rant, rave and lie. Read more >>
MRC Pushes Bogus Attack on ‘Jerry Springer: The Opera’ Production
Apropos of apparently nothing, the Media Research Center published a curiously worded Jan. 23 press release: You have to follow the embedded link to fingure out what, exactly, Bozell is so worked…
CNS Managing Editor Lets Donohue Lie About Catholic Sexual Abuse has a new client for its stenography services: The Catholic League’s Bill Donohue. Remember that CNS’ publisher, Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell, is on the Catholic League’s board of advisers…
CNS Gives Space to Donohue For Fact-Deficient Rants Against Weinstein
A sideshow of the Media Research Center’s hypocritical fixation on Harvey Weinstein’s newly revealed history of sexual harassment is the space it gives to Bill Donohue of the right-wing Catholic League —…
MRC Gives Right-Wing Catholic Activist A Platform to Misdirect
The Media Research Center regularly gives Catholic League leader Bill Donohue a platform to lie and mislead about untoward sexual matters regarding Catholic priests. It does so again in an Aug. 18…
CNS Lets Bill Donohue Lie About Catholic Sexual Abuse
Gage Cohen writes in a June 6 article: On Tuesday, the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights said in a press release that audits of the Catholic Church have consistently…
CNS Regurgitates Catholic League’s Anti-Gay Attack does a reversal of its recent attempts to portray late-night comics’ jokes as “news” with an Aug. 8 article by Michael W. Chapman that attacks a joke CNS does not approve…