We’ve already filled two posts with WorldNetDaily writers defending Roy Moore against credible accusations he perved on teenage girls while a thirtysomething man. And the hits just keep on coming! WND editor…
Tag: Jane Orient
WND’s Dubious Doc Flip-Flops on Opioid Epidemic
Dubious doc Jane Orient of the far-right Association of American Physicians and Surgeons opines on the opioid epidemic in a Sept. 29 WorldNetDaily column: Legalizing what was formerly called the “gateway drug”…
WND’s Medical Misinformer Now Misinforms to Defend Trump
WorldNetDaily’s chief medical misinformer, Jane Orient of the far-right-fringe Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, knows how to misinform about non-medical things too. In her Aug. 24 WND column, Orient goes far…
Dubious WND Doc Opines on Climate Change
In a June 5 WorldNetDaily column, Jane Orient goes far afield from her stated profession of medicine (though she’s not exactly in the mainstream there, either) to opine on President Trump pulling…
WND’s Fringe Doc Concern-Trolls Over Bill Clinton’s Alleged Illegitimate Son
Beware of a doctor who channels Jerome Corsi. We’ve noted how Jane Orient of the far-right-fringe Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has followed in Corsi’s footsteps in promoting conspiracy theories about…
WND’s Far-Right Doc Pretends Armchair Diagnosis Is Just Like Telemedicine
Jane Orient, head of the far-right-fringe Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has long been a promoter of conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health. She tries to justify them in a Sept….
Dubious AAPS Doc Still Pining for (Ineffective) DDT To Stop Zika
Medical misinformer Jane Orient, president of the far-right Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has hopped from WorldNetDaily, her usual home, to Newsmax, once again lamenting in an Aug. 3 column that…