Jerome Corsi serves up a factually dubious account of the financial crisis in a Sept. 4 WorldNetDaily article: In the current narrative presented by Democratic Party operatives, the banking industry collapse of…
Tag: Jerome Corsi
Sleazy Jerome Corsi Now Pushing Obama Gay-Sex Claims
WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi despises Barack Obama so much that he has shown no reluctance to plunging into the sleaziest sewers of Obama derangement. He started moving this direction last year by darkly hinting that…
Jerome Corsi and WND’s ‘Trusted Kenyan Professionals’
So WorldNetDaily put a Band-Aid of an editor’s note on its plagiarism-laden Jerome Corsi article, putting the blame on the “trusted Kenyan professionals” who put the research together: Editor’s note: The following…
WND’s Corsi Busted for Plagiarism
A Dec. 19 WorldNetDaily article purports to depict how “A school named for Barack Obama in Kenya has abandoned hope that the U.S. president will honor a pledge he made as senator to finance…
WND Can’t Stop Peddling Falsehood That Obama Campaigned for Odinga
For years, WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi has been peddling the falsehood that Barack Obama entangled himself in Kenya’s presidential election during a visit to that country in 2006. He does so again in…
The WND Birther Lawsuit Dog and Pony Show (And The Question Joseph Farah Won’t Answer)
From left: Larry Klayman, Joseph Farah, Mara Zebest and Jerome Corsi. We’ve noticed the increasing irrelevance of WorldNetDaily, due to the overall vengeful yet factually dubious nature of its reporting. We saw…
Your WND Birther Roundup
WorldNetDaily keeps up its deceitful birther ways in a spate of recent articles. A June 21 WND article by Jerome Corsi makes a big deal out of how “The computer graphics expert…
WND’s Corsi Is Out To Destroy Those Who Ridiculed Birthers (Like Him)
Apparently, Jerome Corsi’s disdain for people who ridiculed birthers like himself is exploding into all-out war — and, it seems, libel. In a June 16 WND article, Corsi declares war on one…
Corsi Downplays How WND Fell For Fake Obama Birth Certificate
For some reason, WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi — who’s desperately trying to prove that the long-form birth certificate released by President Obama is fake — is obsessing over actual fake birth certificates. Corsi…
Corsi Completes Vogt Trilogy, Doesn’t Mention He’s Been Discredited
Jerome Corsi has turned in to WorldNetDaily the last of three articles on Doug Vogt’s claim that President Obama’s long-form birth certificate is a fake. As with the previous two articles, Corsi…