The Media Research Center has been in an ongoing war against Univision anchor Jorge Ramos — including trying to get him fired — for committing the offense of offering critical coverage of…
Tag: Jorge Bonilla
MRC Mad At Hispanic Journalist’s ‘Nationalistic’ Message
The Media Research Center has no problem with Donald Trump’s nationalist rhetoric or that of other conservatives (it’s when it’s described as “white nationalist” that the MRC has issues). For instance, the…
MRC Takes War-On-Christmas Shot at Univision
Apparently, the “War on Christmas” has ended because Donald Trump was elected president. That’s the message MRC Latino’s Jorge Bonilla seems to be imparting in a Dec. 16 post, in which he’s…
MRC Flip-Flops on Jorge Ramos’ Credibility
The Media Research Center has had its knives out for Univision’s Jorge Ramos for quite some time now, determined to silence him for being critical of Donald Trump. When Trump actually won…
NEW ARTICLE: The MRC’s War on Jorge Ramos
The Media Research Center wants the Univision anchorman to lose his job for committing the offense of being critical of Donald Trump. Read more >>
MRC Puts Univision Host Jorge Ramos In Its Crosshairs
Jorge Bonilla — the current face, near as we can tell, of the Media Research Center’s MRC Latino operation — starts his Jan. 30 NewsBusters post rather boldly: The central premise of…