WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has an odd habit of making grandiose claims about his supposed left-wing past — marking with Martin Luther King and following the orders of Bill Ayers and Jane…
Tag: Joseph Farah
WND’s Farah Sucks Up to Breitbart Again, Takes Financially Safe Stance on Ad Boycott
After the election, Joseph Farah and WorldNetDaily started sucking up to and latching onto Breitbart News, since its website was on the ascendancy through its close association to Donald Trump and WND’s,…
WND’s Farah Blames Sin for Climate Change
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has a new book out, “The Restitution of All Things” — published by WND, natch, which means this is effectively a vanity project — which claims to provide…
It’s Opposite Day In Joseph Farah’s Column
Joseph Farah rants in his Jan. 25 WorldNetDaily column: Well, now many of these red diaper babies are all grown up, and they’re squealing in horror and outrage because maybe Hillary Clinton’s…
NEW ARTICLE: Another Year of Joseph Farah’s Lies
The WorldNetDaily editor spent 2016 telling new falsehoods and repeating old ones. That’s what he does. Read more >>
WND Hails Its New Trump Overlord
As Donald Trump took the office of president, the Trump fluffery was in full swing at WorldNetDaily. Here’s a sampling of WND headlines on inauguration day: Those were the “news” articles. Then…
WND’s Farah: CNN Reporter Who Challenged Trump Must’ve Been On Drugs
Joseph Farah starts his Jan. 17 WorldNetDaily column recounting how he had to deal with drug-testing potential employees while “running daily newsrooms and newspapers in major markets,” claiming that many potential hires…
WND’s Farah Touts Group of Extremist Israeli Rabbis
Joseph Farah writes in his Jan. 10 WorldNetDaily column: Many pundits and political leaders have repudiated the United Nations Security Council resolution denying Israel has any claims to Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem…
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
I want Obama to linger around like the stain on American history he has been – so he can have his nose rubbed in the success of a true leader, the way…
WND’s Farah Complains Trump Critics Are Behaving Like He Did Against Obama
Joseph Farah rants in his Dec. 16 WorldNetDaily column: Let’s be honest and realistic about what is taking place in America today – about one month before the new duly elected president…