Joseph Farah discusses New Year’s resolutions in his Dec. 31 WorldNetDaily column: Politics takes place largely in the natural world, and that’s where we live. But we need to recognize there’s a…
Tag: Joseph Farah
Sharyl Attkisson Gets The Coveted WND Endorsement
Joseph Farah praises his new favorite reporter in his Nov. 9 WND column: I don’t know Sharyl Attkisson. I’ve never met her. But I have met a few reporters like her in…
WND’s Farah Still Can’t Take Criticism Well, Lies To Defend Himself
Joseph Farah has a notoriously thin skin when it comes to criticism of himself and WorldNetDaily, and it was on full display yet again in his Sept. 4 WND column. Farah was…
WND’s Farah Admits Gun-At-Airport Mistake, Tries To Blame It On Liberals Anyway
WorldNetDaily rather belatedly notes editor Joseph Farah’s getting caught at an airport with a loaded revolver — not as a news article, even though it certainly is news, but as a column…
For Farah, WND’s Web Traffic Still Trumps Ideology
Joseph Farah has long pretended that his duty as a journalist keeps him from dropping Ann Coulter from the roster of WorldNetDaily columnists. That’s a lie, and he’s still lying about it….
WND’s Farah Peddles More Obama Lies
Joseph Farah just can’t stop lying about President Obama. In his Nov. 28 WorldNetDaily column, Farah pretends he’s not denigrating Obama’s faith — “I’m not saying he is not a believer. I’m…
Larry Klayman Threatens To Sue Us For Telling the Truth
We couldn’t resist going to Larry Klayman’s coup kickoff in Washington’s Lafayette Square earlier today. Approximately 100 people showed up — including speakers Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily, Roger Aronoff of Accuracy in…
Which Part Of His Radical Left-Wing Past Is Joseph Farah Lying About?
Joseph Farah is quite a shameless and aggressive liar, so it’s not a surprise that he would embellish his own past. He writes in his Oct. 23 WorldNetDaily column: I officially became…
WND’s Farah Pretends To Care About Miriam Carey
Joseph Farah continues to concern-troll over a shooting outside the Capitol min his Oct. 10 WorldNetDaily column: A young, unarmed black mother with a baby in the car was shot down more…
WND’s Farah Conspiracy-Mongers About Shooting Outside Capitol
Joseph Farah writes in his Oct. 6 WorldNetDaily column: I wonder if Holder will zealously pursue charges against the Capitol police for riddling with gunfire the car and body of a young…