The Media Research Center’s Tim Graham was in fine whining mood in a Dec. 23 post, ranting that a Washington Post profile on Adam McKay, director of the new movie about Dick…
Tag: Tim Graham
MRC Leaders Whine About Obamas Making Money
WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah isn’t the only ConWeb figure feeling more than a little envious and jealous about Michelle Obama’s new book being so successful. The Media Research Center’s Tim Graham and Brent…
Guy Who Called Obama A ‘Skinny Ghetto Crackhead’ Lectures On Civil Political Discourse
Tim Graham and Brent Bozell whine in their Oct. 31 column: The frightening exposure of pipe bombs being mailed to prominent Democrats and media outlets, followed by a horrific shooting in a…
MRC Goes Into Conspiracy Mode Over Kavanaugh
The Media Research Center has spent years attacking Hillary Clinton for saying that a “vast right-wing conspiracy” was out to destroy her husband’s presidency in the 1990s. As recently as July, the…
MRC’s Graham Complains CNN ‘Blurred’ Reporting, Opinion (In Article Clearly Labeled As Opinion)
The Media Research Center’s Tim Graham huffed in a July 28 post: CNN has blurred any distinction between reporting and editorializing not only on television, but also on their own website. On…
MRC Chief Laments No Emmy Nominations for Fox News, Doesn’t ID Show That Deserves One
The Aug. 1 column by the Media Research Center’s Tim Graham and Brent Bozell starts off lamenting: On July 26, the News and Documentary Emmy Award nominations were announced, and PBS topped…
Tim Graham’s Anti-CNN, Anti-Media Rants Getting More Unhinged
The Media Research Center’s Tim Graham is growing as unhinged as he claims the rest of the media is. He begins a July 14 post about whether Fox News’ John Roberts should…
MRC’s Graham Tries To Save Right-Wing Anti-Media Attacks After Newspaper Shooting
As we’ve noted, the shooting of journalists at the Capital Gazette newspapers office in Maryland has put the Media Research Center in a defensive position by trying to draw a line between…
MRC’s Graham Whines About Liberal Advocacy News Operations, Forgets MRC Runs CNS
Smell Tim Graham’s hypocrisy in this June 19 Media Research Center post: Matthew Ingram at the left-wing Columbia Journalism Review is touting the hot new trend in “changing the landscape” of the…
MRC’s Graham Finally Finds A Fact-Check He Likes — When It Goes After Bill Clinton
The point of the Media Research Center’s “fact-checking the fact-checkers” campaign, as we’ve documented, is nothing more than a politically motivated attack on fact-checkers for pointing the falsehoods and outright lies of…