WorldNetDaily doesn’t actually want Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to become president — along with other ConWeb outlets, it’s just hyping him because it thinks he might hurt President Biden’s re-election bid because he’s running as a Democrat and on his family name (never mind that he’s not advocating any actual Democratic policies and that the rest of the Kennedy family is effectively disowning him). Plus, he’s an anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist like WND, so there is an attraction there. It’s been borrowing (or stealing) articles from elsewhere to help spread his conspiracy theories and keep his candidacy alive:
- Banned from Instagram, RFK Jr. to join Elon Musk
- RFK Jr. tells Joe Rogan he is concerned the CIA might assassinate him
- Scientist offered $100,000 to debate vaccines with RFK Jr. on top show
- Voters clamoring for Biden to debate RFK Jr., poll says
- RFK Jr. floats idea for government-owned social media ‘free of censorship’
It’s done the occasional original article as well (or, more to the point, rewritten from someone else’s article in an apparent bid to create “original content” for its nonprofit WND News Center). Like this anonymously written June 22 article:
A newly posted video of an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a Democrat candidate for the 2024 nomination for president, reveals how it was Barack Obama who actually made Big Pharma a part of his political party.
And, he said, it was when Obama “made a golden handshake with the devil.”
Kennedy explains that Obama needed the pharmaceutical industry in his corner in ordered to get his Obamacare through Congress.
An anonymously written July 11 article touted more conspiracy-mongering from Kennedy:
Anthony Fauci, a former federal health official advising Joe Biden on COVID-19, now in a lucrative teaching job, ’caused a lot of injury” during that pandemic, according to Democrat presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Fauci, in fact, was behind a lot of the masking requirements, the demand for experimental and highly speculative shots for citizens, the bans on ordinary treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which proved effective, and more.
[…]He pointed out that nations that allowed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine “had 1/200th of our death rate.”
In fact, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were never proven effective.
WND columnists are promoting Kennedy as well. Ilana Mercer continued her praise of him in her May 18 column:
As it emerged from the RFK Jr. announcement for president, his worldview departs from that of the progressive Democratic Party’s, which he has decried as “the party of fear, war and censorship … neocons with woke bobble-heads.”
RFK Jr.’s philosophy of liberty, moreover, appears wedded to reality. He doesn’t jabber GOP-style about a return to small government and the passing of a balanced budget amendment.
[…]Your columnist’s task over the decades has been to address reality, not to levitate in the arid arena of pure thought. Kennedy does the same. As does he appear to grasp that the natural law of the Constitution has been buried under piles of statute and administrative-law precedent. He knows this all too well, having spent his working life litigating against the Deep, Regulatory, Administrative, Security, Welfare-Warfare State.
Mercer also praised Kennedy’s pandemic conspiracy-mongering:
Kennedy was all teeth and talons against the lockdowns back when it counted – and now. Never forget!
Tarting-up or forgetting the lockdowns won’t wash.
How right RFK Jr. is when he says nobody wants to talk about the lockdowns, as both political factions promoted or failed to stop the invasion and occupation of American bodies and businesses.
It seems Mercer would like to forget there was an actual pandemic threat that made lockdodwns a reasonable option, and that people did what they thought was best under the circumstances.